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Parliamentary election campaigning is expensive,which makes it difficult for new and young candidates to influence and narrows democracy. An MP who got through in the last parliamentary election spent an average of 37,000 euros on his campaign. I don't have such sums behind me and I pay for my election campaign mainly with donations from ordinary people. 


Visibility pays. As brutal as this is, in an election campaign money buys visibility and visibility gets votes. So if you want to see me as one of the MPs elected in the spring of 2023, one of the easy ways to help is to donate a sum of money.


No amount is too small. Most of the campaign's donations are donations from ordinary individuals, and the price of a cup of coffee alone is valuable to us. Small streams create a big campaign. You can donate as much as you want.


So what do we do with this money? 

  • 10 euros: a social media ad that can be seen by hundreds of pairs of eyes 

  • 100 euros: plenty of leaflets that we can hand out on the streets

  • 500 euros: maybe an ad for your nearest stop 

  • 1,000 euros: advertisement in the election day newspaper


You can easily reach the campaign team: send a contact request below, and you will get to talk with the campaign managers and Julia about how you can help Julia in the European Parliament. Come along, there are already over a hundred of us in different parts of Finland!

If you spend time on social media, you can help like this:

📱Follow Julia's social accountson Instagram,on Twitter,On Linkedinandpolitician page on Facebook.

❤️ React to the posts by liking, saving, sharing and commenting (with more than 5 words) so that they get as much exposure as possible.

🔥 Give advice on mental health-related social media trends, memes or other social media content that can be used in campaigns!

💻 Join the campaign's social media team to come up with ideas and make posts, videos and other content! Join the communications Whatsapp group by sending a message to campaign manager Pihla. 

Wherever you are, here's how you can help:

👥 Join the campaign's general Whatsapp support team to stay on top of the campaign's news. Send a message to the campaign manager Pihla and you can join the group!

🗣️ Comment on the campaign's plans and materials from your own perspective. What do you think is working and what could be done better? Join the policy team Whatsapp group by sending a message to the campaign manager.

📃 Help with translating texts. If you speak other languages as a mother tongue or at the same level - or know people who do - support the translation of the campaign's materials. 

💡 Give advice to the support team or campaign managers, for example, about events suitable for campaigning or measures or stakeholder groups suitable for the campaign's goals.

💰 Donate to the campaign and ask for donations from your close circle.

🗣️ Show your support. Post a social media update explaining why you are going to vote for Julia.

If you live in Pirkanmaa, you can help like this:

🗣️ Chat with your friends. Mention in conversations in your own networks, even in passing, who your candidate is and why you support the campaign.

👥 Join the support group, and you'll stay on the map of the campaign's news, so you'll be informed of the need for help, and you can come for an hour or two to help, for example, with street campaigning or other tasks!

📣 Come and campaign on the street. We distribute brochures and meet people together with the team. Join the street campaign team if you have time to come even one day. Let's do a big and showy street campaign! 

✉️ Invite Julia as a speaker at a suitable event.

💚 Ask others to join. Invite friends who are interested in green values and goals, especially from Pirkanmaa, to make a campaign - together it will be more effective and more comfortable!

Would you have a little more time to help Julia?

📞 Feel free to send a message to campaign manager Pihla (tel. 044 3739 065) and let's think together how you could help Julia in a way that suits your own life situation and interests.

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